View All Shade-Tolerant Perennials


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Acanthus spinosus 'Spinosissimus' - Spiny Bear's Breeches

Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' - Autumn Monkshood

Aconitum fischeri - Azure Monkshood

Actaea racemosa 'Chocoholic' - Chocoholic Bugbane

Actaea racemosa 'Hillside Black Beauty' - Hillside Black Beauty Bugbane

Adiantum pedatum - Northern Maidenhair Fern

Agastache 'Blue Fortune' - Blue Fortune Anise Hyssop

Agastache foeniculum - Anise Hyssop

Ajuga 'Cordial Canary' - Feathered Friends™ Cordial Canary Bugleweed

Ajuga 'Fancy Finch' - Feathered Friends™ Fancy Finch Bugleweed

Ajuga 'Parrot Paradise' - Feathered Friends™ Parrot Paradise Bugleweed

Ajuga 'Petite Parakeet' - Feathered Friends™ Petite Parakeet Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' - Black Scallop Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Blueberry Muffin' - Blueberry Muffin Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' - Burgundy Glow Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' - Chocolate Chip Bugleweed

Ajuga reptans 'Mahogany' - Mahogany Bugleweed

Alchemilla 'Thriller' - Thriller Lady's Mantle

Alchemilla mollis - Lady's Mantle

Aquilegia 'Blue Bird' - Songbird Blue Bird Columbine

Aquilegia 'Blue Jay' - Songbird Blue Jay Columbine

Aquilegia 'Cardinal' - Songbird Cardinal Columbine

Aquilegia 'Goldfinch' - Songbird Goldfinch Columbine

Aquilegia 'PAS1258487' - Earlybird™ Purple and Blue Columbine

Aquilegia 'Robin' - Songbird Robin Columbine

Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns' - Little Lanterns Columbine

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Blue' - Clememtine Blue Columbine

Aralia cordata 'Sun King' - Sun King Japanese Spikenard

Arisaema triphyllum - Jack-In-The-Pulpit

Aruncus 'Chantilly Lace' - Chantilly Lace Goatsbeard

Aruncus 'Fairy Hair' - Fairy Hair Goatsbeard

Asarum canadense - Canadian Wild Ginger

Asplenium scolopendrium - Hart's Tongue Fern

Astilbe 'Country And Western' - Country and Western Astilbe

Astilbe 'Dark Side Of The Moon' - Dark Side Of The Moon Astilbe

Astilbe 'Delft Lace' - Delft Lace Astilbe

Astilbe 'Eden's Twinkle' - Eden's Twinkle Astilbe

Astilbe 'Jump And Jive' - Jump and Jive Astilbe

Astilbe 'Sprite' - Sprite Astilbe

Astilbe 'Verslilac' - Younique Lilac™ Astilbe

Astilbe 'Verssilverypink' - Younique Silvery Pink™ Astilbe

Astilbe 'Verswhite' - Younique White™ Astilbe

Astilbe 'Visions In White' - Visions In White Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis 'Little Vision In Pink' - Little Vision In Pink Chinese Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis 'Little Vision In Purple' - Little Vision In Purple Chinese Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila' - Dwarf Chinese Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis 'Visions' - Visions Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Pink' - Visions in Pink Chinese Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in Red' - Visions in Red Chinese Astilbe

Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in White' - Visions in White Chinese Astilbe

Astilbe japonica 'Deutschland' - Deutschland Astilbe

Astilbe japonica 'Montgomery' - Montgomery Japanese Astilbe

Astilbe japonica 'Rheinland' - Rheinland Astilbe

Astilbe simplicifolia 'Hennie Graafland' - Hennie Graafland Astilbe

Astilbe x arendsii 'Amethyst' - Amethyst Astilbe

Astilbe x arendsii 'Bridal Veil' - Bridal Veil Astilbe

Astilbe x arendsii 'Cappuccino' - Cappuccino Astilbe

Astilbe x arendsii 'Chocolate Shogun' - Chocolate Shogun Astilbe

Astilbe x arendsii 'Fanal' - Fanal Astilbe

Astilbe x arendsii 'Red Sentinel' - Red Sentinel Astilbe

Astilbe x rosea 'Peach Blossom' - Peach Blossom Astilbe

Athyrium 'Ghost' - Ghost Fern

Athyrium 'Godzilla' - Godzilla Giant Japanese Painted Fern

Athyrium filix-femina - Lady Fern

Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae' - Tatting Fern

Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' - Lady in Red Fern

Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae' - Victoriae Lady Fern

Athyrium niponicum 'Crested Surf' - Crested Surf Japanese Painted Fern

Athyrium nipponicum 'Pewter Lace' - Pewter Lace Painted Fern

Athyrium nipponicum 'Pictum' - Japanese Painted Fern

Athyrium nipponicum 'Regal Red' - Regal Red Painted Fern

Bergenia 'Eden's Dark Margin' - Eden's Dark Margin Bergenia

Bergenia 'Sakura' - Dragonfly™ Sakura Bergenia

Bergenia 'Winterglut' - Winter Glow Bergenia

Brunnera macrophylla 'Alexander's Great' - Alexander's Great Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' - Jack Frost Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack of Diamonds' - Jack of Diamonds Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Queen of Hearts' - Queen of Hearts Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Silver Heart' - Silver Heart Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla 'Sterling Silver' - Sterling Silver Bugloss

Carex amphibola - Creek Sedge

Carex dolichostachya 'Gold Fountains' - Gold Fountains Sedge

Carex morrowii 'Ice Ballet' - Ice Ballet Sedge

Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' - Ice Dance Sedge

Carex oshimensis 'Carfit01' - EverColor® Everest Japanese Sedge

Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' - Evergold Variegated Japanese Sedge

Carex oshimensis 'Eversheen' - EverColor® Eversheen Japanese Sedge

Cimicifuga racemosa 'Hillside Black Beauty' - Hillside Black Beauty Bugbane

Clivia x miniata - Bush Lily

Convallaria majalis - Lily-Of-The-Valley

Davallia fejeensis - Rabbit's Foot Fern

Dicentra 'King of Hearts' - King of Hearts Bleeding Heart

Dicentra 'Luxuriant' - Luxuriant Bleeding Heart

Dicentra spectabilis - Common Bleeding Heart

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' - White Bleeding Heart

Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart' - Gold Heart Bleeding Heart

Dicentra spectabilis 'Hordival' - Valentine Bleeding Heart

Doronicum orientale 'Leonardo Compact' - Leonardo Compact Leopard's Bane

Dryopteris erythrosora - Autumn Fern

Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' - Brilliance Autumn Fern

Dryopteris marginalis - Marginal Wood Fern

Epimedium x youngianum 'Niveum' - White Bishop's Hat

Galium odoratum - Sweet Woodruff

Hakonechloa macra - Japanese Woodland Grass

Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' - Golden Variegated Hakone Grass

Helleborus 'Anna's Red' - Anna's Red Hellebore

Helleborus 'Bayli's Blush' - Frostkiss® Bayli's Blush Hellebore

Helleborus 'Blushing Bridesmaid' - Wedding Party® Blushing Bridesmaid Hellebore

Helleborus 'Confetti Cake' - Wedding Party® Confetti Cake Hellebore

Helleborus 'Dana's Dulcet' - Frostkiss® Dana's Dulcet Hellebore

Helleborus 'Dark and Handsome' - Wedding Party® Dark and Handsome Hellebore

Helleborus 'Dorothy's Dawn' - Frostkiss® Dorothy's Dawn Hellebore

Helleborus 'EPB 31' - FrostKiss™ Cheryl's Shine® Hellebore

Helleborus 'Flower Girl' - Wedding Party® Flower Girl Hellebore

Helleborus 'French Kiss' - Honeymoon® French Kiss Hellebore

Helleborus 'Glenda's Gloss' - Frostkiss® Glenda's Gloss Hellebore

Helleborus 'Molly's White' - Molly's White Hellebore

Helleborus 'Paris In Pink' - Honeymoon® Paris In Pink Hellebore

Helleborus 'Penny's Pink' - Penny's Pink Hellebore

Helleborus 'Rio Carnival' - Honeymoon® Rio Carnival Hellebore

Helleborus 'Romantic Getaway' - Honeymoon® Romantic Getaway Hellebore

Helleborus 'Rome In Red' - Honeymoon® Rome In Red Hellebore

Helleborus 'Sandy Shores' - Honeymoon® Sandy Shores Hellebore

Helleborus 'Spanish Flare' - Honeymoon® Spanish Flare Hellebore

Helleborus 'True Love' - Wedding Party® True Love Hellebore

Helleborus 'Walhelivor' - Ivory Prince Hellebore

Helleborus 'Wedding Bells' - Wedding Party® Wedding Bells Hellebore

Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie' - Berry Smoothie Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Berry Timeless' - Berry Timeless Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Blackberry Ice' - Dolce® Blackberry Ice Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Burgundy Blast' - Carnival Burgundy Blast Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Cajun Fire' - Cajun Fire Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Cherry Truffles' - Dolce® Cherry Truffles Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Cinnamon Glaze' - Baby Bells™ Cinnamon Glaze Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Delta Dawn' - Delta Dawn Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Electric Plum' - Electric Plum Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Fire Alarm' - Fire Alarm Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Fire Chief' - Fire Chief Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Forever Purple' - Forever® Purple Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Frosted Berry' - Dolce® Frosted Berry Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' - Georgia Peach Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Grape Expectations' - Grape Expectations Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Grape Soda' - Grape Soda Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Grape Timeless' - Grape Timeless Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Lava Lamp' - Lava Lamp Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Lemon Love' - Lemon Love Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' - Lime Marmalade Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Marmalade' - Marmalade Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Melting Fire' - Melting Fire Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Midnight Rose' - Midnight Rose Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Obsidian' - Obsidian Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Peach Crisp' - Peach Crisp Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Peach Flambe' - Peach Flambe Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Peachberry Ice' - Peachberry Ice Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Pink Panther' - Pink Panther Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Plum Pudding' - Plum Pudding Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Pretty Pistachio' - Primo® Pretty Pistachio Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Red Dragon' - Red Dragon Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Silver Gumdrop' - Dolce® Silver Gumdrop Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Timeless Glow' - Timeless Glow Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Timeless Night' - Timeless Night Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Timeless Treasure' - Timeless Treasure Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNEA' - Northern Exposure™ Amber Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNEB' - Northern Exposure™ Black Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNEL' - Northern Exposure™ Lime Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNEP' - Northern Exposure™ Purple Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNER' - Northern Exposure™ Red Coral Bells

Heuchera 'TNHEUNESI' - Northern Exposure™ Sienna Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Twist of Lime' - Twist of Lime Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Wildberry' - Dolce® Wildberry Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Winter Joy' - Winter Joy Coral Bells

Heuchera 'Zipper' - Zipper Coral Bells

Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' - Palace Purple Coral Bells

Heucherella 'Catching Fire' - Catching Fire Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Copper King' - Copper King Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Hopscotch' - Hopscotch Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Onyx' - Onyx Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Pink Fizz' - Pink Fizz Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Pumpkin Spice' - Pumpkin Spice Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Red Rover' - Fun and Games® Red Rover Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Redstone Falls' - Redstone Falls Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Solar Eclipse' - Solar Eclipse Foamy Bells

Heucherella 'Sweet Tea' - Sweet Tea Foamy Bells

Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' - Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta

Hosta 'Above The Clouds' - Shadowland® Above The Clouds Hosta

Hosta 'Age of Gold' - Age of Gold Hosta

Hosta 'Atlantis' - Atlantis Hosta

Hosta 'August Moon' - August Moon Hosta

Hosta 'Autumn Frost' - Shadowland® Autumn Frost Hosta

Hosta 'Bedazzled' - Bedazzled Hosta

Hosta 'Big Daddy' - Big Daddy Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Angel' - Blue Angel Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' - Blue Mouse Ears Hosta

Hosta 'Blue Vision' - Blue Vision Hosta

Hosta 'Bridal Falls' - Bridal Falls Hosta

Hosta 'Brother Stefan' - Brother Stefan Hosta

Hosta 'Cameo' - Cameo Hosta

Hosta 'Christmas Candy' - Christmas Candy Hosta

Hosta 'Coast to Coast' - Shadowland® Coast to Coast Hosta

Hosta 'Cool As A Cucumber' - Cool As A Cucumber Hosta

Hosta 'Curly Fries' - Curly Fries Hosta

Hosta 'Dancing Queen' - Dancing Queen Hosta

Hosta 'Dancing With Dragons' - Dancing With Dragons Hosta

Hosta 'Devon Green' - Devon Green Hosta

Hosta 'Diamond Lake' - Shadowland® Diamond Lake Hosta

Hosta 'Dream Queen' - Dream Queen Hosta

Hosta 'Dream Weaver' - Dream Weaver Hosta

Hosta 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' - Drop Dead Gorgeous Hosta

Hosta 'Earth Angel' - Earth Angel Hosta

Hosta 'Echo The Sun' - Shadowland® Echo The Sun Hosta

Hosta 'Emperor's New Clothes' - Emperor's New Clothes Hosta

Hosta 'Empress Wu' - Shadowland® Empress Wu Hosta

Hosta 'Fire and Ice' - Fire and Ice Hosta

Hosta 'Fire Island' - Fire Island Hosta

Hosta 'Firn Line' - Firn Line Hosta

Hosta 'First Blush' - First Blush Hosta

Hosta 'First Frost' - First Frost Hosta

Hosta 'Forbidden Fruit' - Forbidden Fruit Hosta

Hosta 'Fragrant Blue' - Fragrant Blue Hosta

Hosta 'Francee' - Francee Hosta

Hosta 'Frances Williams' - Frances Williams Hosta

Hosta 'Frozen Margarita' - Frozen Margarita Hosta

Hosta 'Gold Standard' - Gold Standard Hosta

Hosta 'Golden Tiara' - Golden Tiara Hosta

Hosta 'Guacamole' - Guacamole Hosta

Hosta 'Hadspen Blue' - Hadspen Blue Hosta

Hosta 'Halcyon' - Halcyon Hosta

Hosta 'Hans' - Hans Hosta

Hosta 'Happy Dayz' - Happy Dayz Hosta

Hosta 'Hope Springs Eternal' - Shadowland® Hope Springs Eternal Hosta

Hosta 'Humpback Whale' - Humpback Whale Hosta

Hosta 'Island Breeze' - Island Breeze Hosta

Hosta 'June' - June Hosta

Hosta 'Komodo Dragon' - Komodo Dragon Hosta

Hosta 'Lakeside Banana Bay' - Lakeside Banana Bay Hosta

Hosta 'Lakeside Cupcake' - Lakeside Cupcake Hosta

Hosta 'Lakeside Dragonfly' - Lakeside Dragonfly Hosta

Hosta 'Lakeside Paisley Print' - Lakeside Paisley Print Hosta

Hosta 'Liberty' - Liberty Hosta

Hosta 'Love Story' - Shadowland® Love Story Hosta

Hosta 'Loyalist' - Loyalist Hosta

Hosta 'Maui Buttercups' - Maui Buttercups Hosta

Hosta 'Mighty Mouse' - Mighty Mouse Hosta

Hosta 'Mini Skirt' - Mini Skirt Hosta

Hosta 'Minuteman' - Minuteman Hosta

Hosta 'Miss America' - Shadowland® Miss America Hosta

Hosta 'Munchkin Fire' - Munchkin Fire Hosta

Hosta 'Neptune' - Neptune Hosta

Hosta 'Old Glory' - Old Glory Hosta

Hosta 'Orion's Belt' - Orion's Belt Hosta

Hosta 'Pandora's Box' - Pandora's Box Hosta

Hosta 'Paradigm' - Paradigm Hosta

Hosta 'Party Streamers' - Party Streamers Hosta

Hosta 'Pathfinder' - Pathfinder Hosta

Hosta 'Patriot' - Patriot Hosta

Hosta 'Pocketful Of Sunshine' - Pocketful Of Sunshine Hosta

Hosta 'Prairie Moon' - Prairie Moon Hosta

Hosta 'Prairie Sky' - Prairie Sky Hosta

Hosta 'Praying Hands' - Praying Hands Hosta

Hosta 'Rainbow's End' - Rainbow's End Hosta

Hosta 'Rainforest Sunrise' - Rainforest Sunrise Hosta

Hosta 'Regal Splendor' - Regal Splendor Hosta

Hosta 'Remember Me' - Remember Me Hosta

Hosta 'Risky Business' - Risky Business Hosta

Hosta 'Royal Wedding' - Royal Wedding Hosta

Hosta 'Sagae' - Sagae Hosta

Hosta 'Seducer' - Shadowland® Seducer Hosta

Hosta 'Silk Road' - Silk Road Hosta

Hosta 'Silly String' - Silly String Hosta

Hosta 'Stained Glass' - Stained Glass Hosta

Hosta 'Sum and Substance' - Sum and Substance Hosta

Hosta 'Sun Mouse' - Sun Mouse Hosta

Hosta 'Terms Of Endearment' - Terms Of Endearment Hosta

Hosta 'Thunderbolt' - Thunderbolt Hosta

Hosta 'Time In A Bottle' - Time In A Bottle Hosta

Hosta 'Touch Of Class' - Touch Of Class Hosta

Hosta 'T-Rex' - T-Rex Hosta

Hosta 'Twilight' - Twilight Hosta

Hosta 'Vulcan' - Vulcan Hosta

Hosta 'Waterslide' - Shadowland® Waterslide Hosta

Hosta 'Wheee!' - Shadowland® Wheee! Hosta

Hosta 'White Bikini' - White Bikini Hosta

Hosta 'Wide Brim' - Wide Brim Hosta

Hosta 'Wrinkle in Time' - Wrinkle in Time Hosta

Hosta 'Wu-La-La' - Shadowland® Wu-La-La Hosta

Hosta 'Yellow Polka Dot Bikini' - Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Hosta

Hosta fortunei 'Albomarginata' - White-Variegated Hosta

Hosta fortunei 'Aureomarginata' - Golden Variegated Hosta

Hosta montana 'Aureomarginata' - Gold-Variegated Mountain Hosta

Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' - Elegans Hosta

Houttuynia cordata - Chameleon Plant

Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon' - Chameleon Houttuynia

Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Hermann's Pride' - Hermann's Pride Yellow Archangel

Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Variegatum' - Variegatum Yellow Archangel

Lamium maculatum 'Anne Greenaway' - Anne Greenaway Spotted Dead Nettle

Lamium maculatum 'Pink Pewter' - Pink Pewter Spotted Dead Nettle

Lamium maculatum 'Purple Dragon' - Purple Dragon Spotted Dead Nettle

Lamium maculatum 'Red Nancy' - Red Nancy Spotted Dead Nettle

Lamium maculatum 'Shell Pink' - Shell Pink Spotted Dead Nettle

Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy' - White Nancy Spotted Dead Nettle

Ligularia 'Bottle Rocket' - Bottle Rocket Rayflower

Ligularia 'Little Rocket' - Little Rocket Rayflower

Ligularia 'The Rocket' - The Rocket Rayflower

Ligularia dentata 'Britt Marie Crawford' - Britt Marie Crawford Rayflower

Ligularia dentata 'Othello' - Othello Rayflower

Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' - Big Blue Lily Turf

Liriope spicata - Lily Turf

Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny

Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' - Golden Creeping Jenny

Matteuccia 'The King' - The King Ostrich Fern

Matteuccia struthiopteris - Ostrich Fern

Mertensia virginica - Virginia Bluebells

Myosotis sylvatica - Forget-Me-Not

Myosotis sylvatica 'Bluesylva' - Bluesylva Forget-Me-Not

Myosotis sylvatica 'Rosylva' - Rosylva Forget-Me-Not

Osmunda regalis - Royal Fern

Osmunda regalis 'Purpurascens' - Purpleleaf Royal Fern

Pachysandra terminalis - Japanese Spurge

Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen' - Green Sheen Japanese Spurge

Pachysandra terminalis 'Variegata' - Silver Edge Japanese Spurge

Phlox divaricata 'May Breeze' - May Breeze Phlox

Podophyllum peltatum - Mayapple

Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum' - Variegated Solomon's Seal

Polystichum acrostichoides - Christmas Fern

Polystichum polyblepharum - Japanese Tassel Fern

Primula denticulata - Drumstick Primrose

Primula vialii - Orchid Primrose

Primula vulgaris 'Oakleaf Yellow Picotee' - Oakleaf Yellow Picotee Primrose

Pulmonaria 'Dark Vader' - Dark Vader Lungwort

Pulmonaria 'Lisa Marie' - Lisa Marie Lungwort

Pulmonaria 'Pretty In Pink' - Pretty In Pink Lungwort

Pulmonaria 'Shrimps On The Barbie' - Shrimps On The Barbie Lungwort

Pulmonaria 'Silver Bouquet' - Silver Bouquet Lungwort

Pulmonaria 'Spot On' - Spot On Lungwort

Pulmonaria 'Twinkle Toes' - Twinkle Toes Lungwort

Thalictrum 'Black Stockings' - Black Stockings Meadow Rue

Thalictrum aquilegiifolium - Meadow Rue

Thelypteris decursive-pinnata - Beech Fern

Thelypteris noveboracensis - New York Fern

Tiarella 'Cutting Edge' - Cutting Edge Foamflower

Tiarella 'Fingerpaint' - Fingerpaint Foamflower

Tiarella 'Jeepers Creepers' - Jeepers Creepers Foamflower

Tiarella 'Sugar And Spice' - Sugar And Spice Foamflower

Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Blue And Gold' - Blue And Gold Spiderwort

Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Charlotte's Web' - Charlotte's Web Spiderwort

Tricyrtis formosana 'Autumn Glow' - Autumn Glow Toad Lily

Tricyrtis formosana 'Samurai' - Samurai Toad Lily

Trillium erectum - Red Trillium

Trillium grandiflorum - Great White Trillium

Trillium luteum - Yellow Trillium

Trillium recurvatum - Prairie Trillium

Vinca minor - Common Periwinkle

Vinca minor 'Alba' - White Periwinkle

Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea' - Wine Periwinkle

Vinca minor 'Bowles' - Bowles Periwinkle

Vinca minor 'Illumination' - Illumination Periwinkle

Vinca minor 'Ralph Shugert' - Ralph Shugert Periwinkle

Zamioculcas zamiifolia - ZZ Plant